There is something about a new financial year… It is the perfect time for us business people to stop, reflect, take a moment to look at where we have been and prepare for what is to come.
The very nature of the end of one financial year provides us with an opportunity to reflect on reality, look at the numbers, look at what we set out to achieved and what we have achieved. More importantly though, this reality check gives us the opportunity to look forward and plan for the year ahead.
The best place to start is with your business plan of course. We find that there are just as many business owners out there who have business plans, but don’t look at them, as there are business owners that don’t have them. Many were developed long ago and have sat in a drawer ever since…
If you are ‘one of those business owners’…
I challenge you to get that business plan out, dust it off and review it. Then, I challenge you to go a step further and update it. To put in place plans for the short, medium and long term. Then, I challenge you not to put in in ‘that drawer’ and instead actively pursue it and review it quarterly…
If you have never had a business plan…
I challenge you to create one. You might say ‘I don’t need that’ but I guarantee you – the time you invest in developing it will pay off ten-fold.
You see, the very act of developing a business plan gives you and your business:
- A clear direction
- Defined objectives
- A pathway for achieving your goals and overcoming obstacles.
- A platform for seeking investment of finance.
Right now, us maestros are working with our clients to just this, so they are ready to leap into 2022/23 with renewed focus, direction and passion.
Think you could use the help of a maestro? Contact us.